Roamin’ Rex at Woodchurch

#RoaminRex has visited Site No. 25 on his map. Housed in an eighteenth century oak-framed barn and seventeenth century cart shed close to the village centre, Woodchurch Village Life Museum collection is extremely varied and traces the story of the settlement from its earliest beginnings right up to the present day. Find out what life was like at school during the reign of Queen Victoria, discover more about hops and hop-picking, see how a huge American airbase was constructed on the edge of the village in time for D-Day, understand why food was rationed during the Second World War and how much you were allowed each week, discover the uniquely Kentish sport of goal running, meet the ‘Fat Boy’ of Woodchurch and much more.

Several of the permanent displays feature audio recordings of villagers recalling personal experiences – a doodlebug landing on a local farmhouse and what it was like to be a Land Army Girl in the 1940s are just two of the stories you can hear.

All of the museum displays have been designed to be informative and accessible to visitors of all ages.

Opening hours: Good Friday until end September, Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, 10am – 4pm
Cost: Free

Visit our Woodchurch Village Life Museum page for more details.