Roamin’ Rex visits Rochester Guildhall.

#RoaminRex’s latest visit was Site No 4 on his map, Guildhall Museum Rochester, a lively and colourful treasure trove of Medway’s history, housed in the town of Rochester’s magnificent 17th century Guildhall building. The Museum is home to thousands of objects that illustrate the history of Medway – its river, its people, and its development… Continue reading Roamin’ Rex visits Rochester Guildhall.

Roamin’ Rex visits Minster Gatehouse

#RoaminRex viewed artefacts with connections to the Isle of Sheppey, housed in the 1000 year old grade 1 listed building at Minster Gatehouse Museum. The 12th century stairwell shows the Sheppey Timeline and rises to the roof where there are magnificent views. Minster Gatehouse Museum is a Kent Children’s University Learning Destination Visit our Minster… Continue reading Roamin’ Rex visits Minster Gatehouse

Roamin’ Rex learns about life on the home front during WWII

#RoaminRex stepped back in Time and experienced life on the Home Front of World War II at Site No. 21 on his map, The ‘Old Forge’ Wartime House.Experienced re-enactors helped to teach him about Rationing, Make do and Mend, Evacuation and The Blitz, Digging for Victory, the duties of the ARP Warden and all aspects… Continue reading Roamin’ Rex learns about life on the home front during WWII

Roaming ‘ Rex at Union Mill

Roamin’Rex has visited Site 12 on his map, Union Mill, Cranbrook Often referred to as the “Finest Windmill in the Country”, standing 22metres tall and with 4 huge “Sweeps” (Sails). The Mill sitting on “The Hill” above the wonderful Medieval Market Town of Cranbrook. He found a lot more than the view from outside. He… Continue reading Roaming ‘ Rex at Union Mill